Fluoride, long hailed as a guardian of dental health, is facing increased scrutiny over its safety and efficacy. Despite its widespread use in water fluoridation and dental products, emerging studies, including the comprehensive review titled “Fluoride—the danger that we must avoid,” highlight significant health risks associated with fluoride exposure. This article delves into these concerns and raises critical questions about the continued use of fluoride.

Fluoride’s Dubious Efficacy in Dental Health: Fluoride’s primary role has been to prevent tooth decay. However, recent analyses suggest its benefits are predominantly topical rather than systemic. Countries without fluoridation programs have seen similar improvements in dental health, questioning the necessity of water fluoridation.

In this article we will look into the risks outlined in this file, this is a summary conducted by professionals and references 50 independent research segments outlined in the file, feel free to take a look and download the file yourself:

Unveiling the Health Risks:

  1. Neurological Effects:
    • Decreased IQ in Children: The study highlights research indicating that children exposed to high levels of fluoride may have lower IQ scores compared to those with less exposure. This is particularly concerning in areas with high natural fluoride levels or excessive fluoridation in water.
    • Alzheimer’s-like Symptoms: Animal studies cited in the document suggest a link between fluoride exposure and changes in brain function, resembling Alzheimer’s disease. These changes might include alterations in the structure and biochemistry of the brain, potentially impacting cognitive functions.
  2. Skeletal Effects:
    • Skeletal Fluorosis: This condition results from long-term exposure to high levels of fluoride, leading to pain and stiffness in bones and joints. The study indicates that skeletal fluorosis can result in changes in bone structure and density.
    • Osteosclerosis and Osteoporosis: The study also mentions osteosclerosis (hardening and densification of bones) and a potential risk of osteoporosis (weakening of bones), as fluoride can alter the balance of bone remodeling.
  3. Dental Fluorosis:
    • Discoloration and Enamel Damage: Occurring predominantly in children during tooth development, dental fluorosis is a condition where excessive fluoride causes changes in tooth enamel, leading to white spots, staining, and in severe cases, surface irregularities.
  4. Gastrointestinal Issues:
    • Digestive Distress: The ingestion of fluoride, particularly at high levels, can lead to gastrointestinal issues, such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. This is often due to irritation of the gastric lining.
    • Damage to Gastroduodenal Mucosa: The study points out that fluoride can damage the lining of the stomach and upper part of the small intestine (duodenum), potentially leading to more severe gastrointestinal conditions.
  5. Cancer Risks:
    • Link with Osteosarcoma: The study suggests a potential association between fluoride exposure and an increased risk of osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer, particularly in young males. This link, however, remains a subject of ongoing research and debate.
  6. Other Health Concerns:
    • Thyroid Function: Fluoride exposure might affect thyroid function, potentially leading to either hypo- or hyperthyroidism.
    • Immune System Impairment: The study suggests that fluoride can impact the immune system, potentially leading to reduced immune response or autoimmune disorders.
    • Contamination with Lead and Arsenic: Fluoride products, especially those sourced from natural deposits, may contain traces of lead and arsenic, increasing the risk of exposure to these harmful elements.

These points underscore the study’s emphasis on the potential dangers of fluoride, advocating for a more cautious approach to its use and further research into its long-term effects.

Why Are We Still Using Fluoride? Despite these risks, fluoride continues to be a mainstay in public health policy for dental care. This continued usage raises critical questions about the balance between its perceived benefits and potential health hazards. The resistance to change might be rooted in long-standing public health policies, the influence of dental product industries, or a lack of consensus in the scientific community.

Is Fluoride an Agricultural Runoff? The environmental impact of fluoride is another layer of concern. Often considered an agricultural runoff, fluoride can accumulate in the environment due to its use in pesticides and industrial processes. This raises environmental safety issues, further complicating the narrative around its safety and necessity.

Conclusion: The evidence outlined in “Fluoride—the danger that we must avoid” and similar studies calls for a critical re-evaluation of our reliance on fluoride. The health risks associated with fluoride, combined with its questionable efficacy in preventing tooth decay and environmental concerns, necessitate a search for safer alternatives. It is imperative that policymakers, healthcare professionals, and the public engage in an informed dialogue to reassess the role of fluoride in public health. The goal should be to ensure safety without compromising dental health, while also considering the broader environmental implications.

9 responses to “Massive Scientific Study Shows: Fluoride Might Be Killing You, And Here Is How”

  1. This has been going on for 30 years we have fluorine in our body they have fluoride it’s no good the other one is chlorine and chloride get with the program this s*** has been going on forever when all of you people been one is from the aluminum industry and the other one is from the fertilizer industry and if you go around especially Florida you will see stacks 200 ft high along the roadways there’s radioactive material can’t wake up program you don’t know s*** come and look me up I’m Frank sagliano I’ve worked in this industry and it helped expose stuff for over 30 years more like 40 I am responsible for trillions of gallons of water to be cleaned and responsible for trillions of pounds of goods not going to the dump and being transformed into palatable good organic fertilizer

    1. Thanks Frank, You’re correct in pointing out that these issues have been ongoing for decades. The historical context you provide underscores the need for continued scrutiny and re-evaluation of our practices, especially as new scientific evidence emerges. Your reference to the aluminum and fertilizer industries is an important reminder of the environmental aspect of this issue. The byproducts of these industries, and how they’re managed, have significant implications for both human health and environmental safety. The specific mention of Florida and the 200-foot stacks along roadways alluding to radioactive materials adds a critical environmental dimension to the debate. This is a poignant example of the broader impact of industrial byproducts on the environment and public health. can you elaborate on what you have found and go in to detail about your work? would really like to hear more?

  2. What a brand of water should I buy

  3. If fluoride was supposed to be in water God would have made it that way. Zero benefits and totally unnecessary. Use baking soda or charcoal for teeth, there are other solutions that are less damaging to the brain. These corporations, military, elite need to be sued for damages and deaths, imprisoned and killed themselves.

  4. Greetings. My mother, a clinical.psychologist who would suggest medications to the psychiatrist, told me that molecularly fluoride was seriously close to Prozac. It was her firm belief it was sedating the population. I never followed up on this – but I distill my water and add Himalayan Sea Salt for minerals. Coffee is amazing.
    – I remember when they started with it. I was in grade school (3rd or 4th grade). 👵🏽 They gave us liters of the yummy cherry stuff and told us not to drink it and share it with all our parents. Good job on this very important issue!

  5. I guess I’ll have a poke at the bear! I’m 60 years old now. when I was about 20 years old maybe , I was watching a documentary series or whatever it was military Maneuvers and stuff and back in the day when they used to take chemical drums filled with all kinds of stuff out to the deep blue sea where nobody knew a whole lot about what was down there and they would just dump boatloads and boatloads and boatloads of who knows what , they new what but anyway I digress there is still a lot of this garbage and now floating to the surface and contaminating all creatures underwater making it impossible to eat any fish or other sea life that is full of lead Mercury and all that good . It has been leaching into the ocean through these steel drums for decades. you know I just…it’s…I pit’s mind-boggling how they thought they could get away with crazy crap like that like it would never come back and haunt I guess they figured they wouldn’t be here when it did sorry for the punctuation now I’m talk to texting so it’s all I can do to proofread it right cuz Google likes to flip my words around on me but I know one thing everybody better get right with their maker before it’s too late! PS my name is Robert Parker I live in East Texas I could go on and on but I guess I’ll cut it off right there and I pray for everybody y’all have a good one I don’t know why I got off on that tangent I just did you popped in my head anywho y’all be blessed! My email is r o b r p a r k e r 9@aol.com

  6. One key area of concern is the potential decrease in IQ among children exposed to elevated fluoride levels. This aligns with the study’s findings that indicate cognitive functions may be affected! Animal studies even suggest changes in brain function resembling Alzheimer’s disease, raising serious questions about the long-term impact on human cognition!

    Frank, your role in water treatment, ensuring trillions of gallons are cleaned, provides a unique perspective on the practical challenges in managing fluoride exposure. As we navigate this dialogue, understanding the potential cognitive implications of fluoride becomes paramount. The documented risks, including the possible link between fluoride and Alzheimer’s-like symptoms, underscore the need for a nuanced exploration of this issue.

    Jake, your emphasis on environmental considerations aligns with the broader discussion about the impact of fluoride on both human health and our surroundings. The potential cognitive effects add another layer to the complexity of this topic, prompting us to consider not only dental health but also the intricate relationship between fluoride, the brain, and cognitive function

  7. Thank you very much for this eye opening information.

  8. […] A side note also to note is that you need to be aware of what fluoride does to the brain, check that out here […]

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